Karen Brownlee , B.A., A.S.A Four Page Selected Biography
EDUCATION & Teaching experience
1976 Bachelor of Arts, University of Lethbridge, Major in Clinical Psychology, Minor in Art.
1980- 1987 Retired from teaching from the Lethbridge Community College, Continuing Education, Art Instruction (1980 – 1987) to become a full time practicing artist.
BOOKS Featuring the Artist’s Artwork:
2005 “Alberta Remembers Recalling Our Rural Roots”, published by Red Deer Press. Paintings by Karen Brownlee. 128 full color full page reproductions of the artists’ Rural Prairie Communities” series. ISBN 0 -88995-325 -2 cloth.
2007 “The Sakura Tree”. Illustrated by Karen Brownlee.Published by Red Deer Press. ISBN 0-88995-354-6 cloth. Juvenile fiction/Historical/Canada/Post-Confederation Juvenile Fiction/People & Places/Asia. Nominated for an Alberta Children’s Book Award 2007.
2021-2022 Digital Report. Office of the Public Guardian -Trustee (OPGT) 2021-2022 Annual Report. Acknowledging Karen’s support is on Page V. Karen’s work is featured on page 16, Historical Painting #1, 2000. https://open.alberta.ca/publications/2371-266x
2007- 2008 The Sakura Tree Solo Traveling Exhibition: Mounted and Traveled by the Artist: Edmonton Japanese Canadian Cultural Association, Calgary Japanese Canadian Cultural Association, Ottawa Japanese Canadian Cultural Association exhibit was held at the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa, National Nikkei Japanese Canadian Museum (Burnaby, B.C.), Crowsnest Museum and Art Gallery, Yates Cultural Centre (Lethbridge), Nikko Yukko Gardens (Lethbridge).
2007 – 2005 “Back Home 2005” Solo traveling Alberta Centennial exhibition mounted and traveled by the Artist of Artist’s Rural Prairie Communities series. Venues: Royal Alberta Museum, Grand Forks Art Gallery, Crowsnest Pass Art Gallery, Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery, Stoney Plain Multi – cultural Center, Bowman Arts Centre (Lethbridge).
1980 – present 17 solo exhibits at the following public art galleries and museums: at the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa, the National Nikkei Japanese Canadian Museum (Burnaby, B.C.), Royal Alberta Museum, The Leighton Foundation, Art Gallery of Calgary, The Medicine Hat Museum and Art Gallery, Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery), Bowman Arts Centre, (Lethbridge, AB), Grand Forks Art Gallery (B.C.), Moose Jaw Art Gallery and Museum.
1992 (Oct.-Nov.) “This Land is My Land“, Bowman Arts Centre Galleries, Lethbridge.
1980-1982 “Images in Ink and Color” Solo Traveling Exhibit mounted and coordinated by the artist. Chinese Brush Paintings. Bowman Arts Centre (Lethbridge, AB), Walden’s Restaurant (Edmonton), Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery (Red Deer, AB.), Moose Jaw Museum and Art Gallery (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan).
1982 through present – over 62 group exhibitions in juried, public art galleries and museums in Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia.
May 25 -October 14, 2023 – ‘Recent Acquisitions curated by David Smith, ” Karen Brownlee’s water color paintings from the Rural Prairie Communities series employ a similar sense of whimsy through her use of fantastical colors to create both visual interest and a strong sense of cohesion in her oeuvre. Her many iterations of the sublime role of the grain elevator in the prairie landscape conveys a sense of place for those familiar with rural Alberta living”.
Sept 2017 – May 2018 TEN (Through the Eye of the Needle) group exhibit curated by Mary Beth Laviolette for the Glenbow Museum. “United in Love” sampler from the Artist’s HAC (Hutterite Artifact Collection).
2017 (March – June) Looking Back Looking Forward”, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery. Group Exhibit prepared for the 50th Anniversary of the U. of L.
2013 – 2018 En Plein Air, mounted annually by the University of Lethbridge. A group exhibit focusing on artwork created at the Coutts Western Canadian Heritage Centre, Nanton.
2001 Two Person Travelling Exhibition: “Finding Our Way Home; Alberta’s Disappearing Grain Elevators” Dawson Creek Art Society, Dawson Creek, B. C., curated by The Provincial Museum of Alberta and traveled by Harcourt House Gallery and The Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta. Paintings by R.F.M. McInnis & Karen Brownlee. Under the auspices of AFATEP.
1999 – Present Permanent Exhibit – Canada Hall, Canadian Museum of Civilisation, Hull, Que, rendition of RPC series in the “King Wheat”.
1999 -2002 “Finding Our Way Home; Alberta’s Disappearing Grain Elevators”, Royal Alberta Museum Edmonton – 22 watercolors. Two person exhibit: Robert McInnis & Karen Brownlee. This exhibit later traveled to approximately 20 sites including public art galleries, heritage centers, libraries, schools, senior’s centers, and so on. Under the auspices of the Royal Alberta Museum and AFATEP.
TRAVELING EXHIBITIONS: Ten exhibits organized by The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program (AFATEP) curated, mounted, organized, and traveled by one of the following contract holders: The Provincial Museum of Alberta, The Edmonton Art Gallery, The Southern Alberta Art Gallery, the Medicine Hat Museum and Art Gallery, and The Art Gallery of Calgary (formerly known as The Muttart Art Gallery). Highlights include:
1998 – 2001 “Rural Prairie Communities”, Muttart Art Gallery (solo, curated exhibition) Traveled to approximately 20 sites.
1995 – 1996 “Scientific Landscape” (curated) Traveling exhibition to approximately 20 sites. Alberta Foundation for the Arts Traveling exhibition program ( A.F.A.T.E.P). Organized through the Southern Alberta Art Gallery.
1987 – 1989 Edmonton Art Gallery and Southern Alberta Art Gallery Extension Exhibition Program. A small traveling survey of contemporary works on paper by artists working in the Lethbridge region.
Selected Public Collections include:
1981, 1984, 1989, 1993, 2010, 2020, 2021 Alberta Foundation for the Arts Collection.
2017 University of Lethbridge Art Collection includes 13 Rural Prairie Communities series. One of which is on permanent exhibit at the Western Canadian Heritage Centre (Nanton, Ab.) 2013 – present.
2007 -08 Work from The Sakura Tree series is included in: Edmonton Japanese Canadian Cultural Association, Calgary Japanese Canadian Cultural Association, Ottawa Japanese Canadian Cultural Association, National Nikkei Japanese Canadian Museum (Burnaby, B.C.) Collections.
2000 – present Canada Hall, The Canadian Museum of Civilisation, Hull, Quebec, as part of the “King Wheat” exhibit, renditions of the Rural Prairie Communities series.
2008 Four Grants: Nikkei Cultural Society (NCS) Lethbridge, National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC), Cultural Development Grant, and Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Visual Arts Project Grant, Ottawa Japanese Canadian Association Cultural Development Grant: each provided a grant to take: The Sakura Tree exhibit to the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa and the National Japanese Canadian Museum, Burnaby, B.C.
2005 Alberta Foundation for the Arts Visual Arts Project Grant for the publication “Alberta Remembers Recalling Our Rural Roots”.
2005 Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Heritage Preservation Partnership Preservation Publishing Grant for “Alberta Remembers Recalling Our Rural Roots”.
2000 Alberta Foundation for the Arts Visual Arts Project Grant: Development of the Rural Prairie Communities series.
Selected Accomplishments
2010 Invited to be the Feature Artist for the Western Showcase, Calgary Stampede. Accepted.
2008 Permitted to use the 80th Anniversary of Japan Canada Diplomatic Relations Logo for The Sakura Tree Exhibit at the Embassy of Japan I Ottawa and the National Japanese Canadian Museum (Burnaby, B.C.) exhibit.
1998 Founder and initial Artist, Artist in Residency program, City of Lethbridge, Alberta.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography Index – a 26 page listing including
2005 & 1998 C.B.C. Radio 1, Calgary, Sunday Arts with Andrea Marantz, regarding Alberta Remembers and the Artist founding Lethbridge’s Artist in Residence Program.
May 15, 1999 Weekend Post, Toronto, Ontario, May 15, 1999, Charles Mandel, “Grainy Pictures,”
June 5, 1999 The Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta, June 5, 1999, Alan Kellogg, “A Passing of Old Friends”.
Spring, 2000 Legacy Magazine, Edmonton, AB, Feb-Apr. 2000 “Lethbridge Commits to Public Art”.